Wednesday, November 30, 2005


NI economy weakens

Yet more bad news for the North's economy I'm afraid!

The NI economy has weakened during 2005, according to a report published yesterday.

Despite a fall in consumer confidence experts claim house prices in the province are rising at 20% per annum.

Some of the forecasts from The Economic Outlook report:

- Slower economic growth in the province over the next three years

- Consumer spending growth is expected to remain sluggish over the next 12 months

- Public expenditure growth will decline over the next two years while property tax is expected to rise

Economists said business owners should be aware that public expenditure can no longer be expected to be the prime mover in economic growth, while there is no escape from higher rates.

I feel bad for my Irish compatriots in the North. I don't understand why we in the South should remain prosperous while the North's economy looks set to stagnate.

There's wealth to be shared so let's share it. It's time to establish an all-Ireland economy.


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